HydroSilver999 - The Ultimate Colloidal Silver

What is Colloidal Silver?
Colloidal silver is a completely natural liquid mineral solution that you can find in thousands of stores today.
Think of it kind of like mineral water - just minerals in water - but in this case, the only minerals are tiny, ionic silver particles.
A colloid is defined as a mixture that has particles ranging between 1 and 1000 nanometers in diameter, yet are still able to remain evenly distributed throughout the solution.
Not all colloidal silvers are created equal. There are many variables that control the quality and efficacy of a colloidal silver product. Particle size and concentration (parts per million, or ppm) are two critical variables. Believe it or not, even the type of distilled water impacts the quality of the final product.
HydroSilver999 was mindfully created by adhering to the strictest quality standards to produce a consistently potent, safe and stable colloidal silver solution.
How Is Colloidal Silver Made?
It is actually quite simple! Colloidal silver is made using an electrical process that pulls microscopic articles of silver called silver ions from a larger piece of pure silver into the water in which the silver is immersed. These tiny ionic silver particles are held in suspension by the electrical charge on each atom.
Ions, Particles, & Nanoparticles - Oh My!
Many people mistakenly pay more attention to parts per million than particle size, but it's the particle size that controls the power of your colloidal silver. The most effective silver has a particle size in the nanometers range.
These are not just nano-sized particles - they are silver ions. An ion is defined as:
An atom or molecule that carries a positive or negative electric charge due to an imbalance between the number of protons and electrons.
In the strictest sense, ions are not nanoparticles but the two terms are often used interchangeably in the industry.
The most basic silver ion is a silver cation: one silver atom minus one electron, leaving a charge of +1. Its diameter is 0.000252 microns (2.52 Angstroms or 2.52 Å), which is 0.252 nanometers.
However, with silver, it gets a bit more complicated because there is not just one ion type. Like the elements iron and copper, silver has the ability to form ions with different charges, due to varying electronic configurations and their associated ions. When silver is in solution, complex structures develop that allow for different ions of various oxidative states, structures and sizes.
The formation of various ions and silver-nanoparticles are controlled by many environmental factors such as temperature and water conditions.
In general, smaller silver particles stay in suspension longer and larger particles fall out of suspension faster. Silver ions stay suspended indefinitely - hence the name "colloidal silver" - but not all ions remain ions forever because they have a charge. Opposites attract!
Colloidal silver products vary in the size of silver ions they contain. The ions in HydroSilver999 measure 0.8 nm. How does this compare to the size of a virus, the smallest of microorganisms? Typical viruses range in size from 20 to 400 nm, so the silver ions in HydroSilver999 are about 25 times smaller than the smallest virus.
Besides easily penetrating into microorganisms, small silver ions penetrate deeply into your cells and tissues, and flush out of the body with ease.
Understanding PPM
Parts per million (PPM) is actually not a concentration but rather a measurement of the overall weight of the silver in a liter of water, as opposed to the number of particles.
The weight has relatively little bearing on its effectiveness. What matters more is how the silver is distributed and surface area.
Consider a silver dollar dropped into a liter of water. Drinking that is not going to do much for you. However, if you divided that coin into millions or billions of tiny pieces, then you are going to experience much greater therapeutic value due to the vastly increased surface area of those pieces.
Size Matters, But There's More to It
Scientists at Rice University have shown that it's the ionization of the silver nanoparticles that is deadly to bacteria - not simply the nanoparticle itself.
Insoluble silver nanoparticles do not kill bacteria by direct contact, but soluble ions, when activated via oxidation in the vicinity of bacteria, do the job quite well. In other words, it's silver ions plus oxygen that does the trick.
Furthermore, they found the toxicity of the ions against the bacteria to be dose-dependent. If the dose was too low to kill the microbes, it actually stimulated them to become stronger - effectively enhancing their immunity. (Nano Lett. 2012, 12, 8, 4271–4275)
Silver's Antimicrobial Benefits Are Not NEW News
Long before the age of pharmaceutical antibiotics, pure silver was used to fight infections. For thousands of years, silver has been regarded for its broad spectrum antimicrobial properties.
Shortly after Edison harnessed electricity in the late 1800s, the process for making colloidal silver was discovered. Immediately thereafter, its use became popular as a natural means of fighting infections, both externally and internally. It was used topically on cuts, burns and skin infections, as well as taken internally as a remedy for a wide variety of infectious conditions.
Colloidal silver was used in hospitals and laboratories around the world, in a wide variety of forms.
Numerous scientific studies were conducted on colloidal silver throughout the early 1900’s demonstrating its antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and antiparasitic properties. Studies documenting these phenomenal qualities were written up in numerous journals, including the prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) and British medical journal Lancet.
As far back as 1919, Alfred Searle, author of The Use of Colloids in Health and Disease, wrote:
Applying colloidal silver to human subjects has been done in a large number of cases with astonishingly successful results…it has the advantage of being rapidly fatal to parasites without toxic action on its host. It is quite stable. It protects rabbits from ten times the lethal dose of tetanus or diphtheria toxin.
How Does Colloidal Silver Work?
Researchers have found that colloidal silver kills pathogens by three fundamental mechanisms:
- Silver destroys the cell walls of microbes. Silver is a powerful carrier of oxygen. When silver comes into contact with an infectious microbe, it releases an oxygen “burst” which damages the cell wall of the pathogen, much like hydrogen peroxide.
- Silver disrupts microbial metabolism. Silver acts as a catalyst that disables the enzyme that single-celled bacteria, fungi and viruses use for respiration and metabolism without harming surrounding human cells or tissues.
- Silver prevents microbial DNA replication. When tiny silver particles are absorbed through the damaged cell wall of the pathogen, they attach themselves to the DNA and prevent it from replicating. No replication means the infection can no longer spread.
"Zombie Effect"
You can now understand how, in very short order, silver can completely eradicate pathogens.
Making matters even more interesting, recent research has uncovered something called the "zombie effect." Research out of Hebrew University in Jerusalem showed that pathogens killed by tiny silver particles begin to leach those particles into the rest of the colony, thereby killing nearby bacteria in an ongoing chain reaction that continues until the bacterial colony is wiped out - hence, zombies... (Wakshlak, RK., Pedahzur, R. & Avnir, D. 2015, Sci Rep 5, 9555)

Historical Applications of Colloidal Silver
acne |
allergies | appendicitis | arthritis |
burns |
cancer |
candida | cholera | chronic fatigue | colds |
flu |
pneumonia | pink eye, styes, eye infections | diabetes | hay fever |
herpes | leukemia | lupus | Lyme disease | malaria |
meningitis | ringworm | strep throat | ear infections | dental infections |
shingles | skin cancer | Staph infections/MRSA | trench foot | viruses, viral warts, ulcers |
A Myriad of Uses
The uses of colloidal silver are many. It has been used on the skin to help heal wounds and resolve infections, as a hand sanitizer and sanitizer of objects around the house. The following is a list of possibilities - and certainly not comprehensive!
- Wound care
- Burns
- Hand sanitization
- Cleaning and sanitizing countertops, bathrooms, refrigerators, door knobs and handles, butting boards, and even grocery carts
- Sinus irrigation
- Pink eye
- Ear infections
- Periodontitis
- Preventing bacterial buildup on dentures
- Cold & flu prevention and treatment
- Diaper rash
- Pet health (water dishes, pet cages)
- Laundry boosting
- Disinfecting sponges, rags & mops
- Hot tub treatments
- Extending the life of cut flowers
- Extending the life of milk and juices in the fridge
Is Colloidal Silver Safe?
Unlike other metals such as lead, mercury and aluminum, silver is nontoxic to humans. High quality colloidal silver has been found to be extremely safe when used in a reasonable manner.
Researchers at the Dartmouth University Toxic Metals Research Program studied silver for potential toxic effects, concluding the following:
Trace amounts of silver are in the bodies of all humans and animals. We normally take in between 70 and 88 micrograms of silver a day, half of that amount from our diet. Humans have evolved with efficient methods of dealing with that intake, however. Over 99 percent is readily excreted from the body. Is silver harmful to humans? Unlike other metals such as lead and mercury, silver is not toxic to humans and is not known to cause cancer, reproductive or neurological damage, or other chronic adverse effects.
Of course, logic dictates that no substance on the face of the planet is safe if used outside the bounds of common sense. Even "good supplements" may not do good things if taken in excess!
For example, too much iron will scar up your liver and can lead to heart failure. Excess calcium - or the wrong kind - can harden off your soft tissues and tank your immune function.
However, when used appropriately and in moderation, these agents can be beneficial to your health and well-being. It is only when used irresponsibly that adverse health consequences can occur - and it's no different with colloidal silver. Be vigilant, reasonable, and curious. Do your research.
Millions use colloidal silver daily in small amounts, and occasionally in somewhat higher doses as needed, with outstanding results.
Below are what a few experts have said about the safety and efficacy of colloidal silver.
Herbert Slavin, M.D., Director of the Institute of Advanced Medicine in Lauderhill Florida:
Few things in life are as cut-and-dried as the fact that silver is completely safe when used within normal limits…Ionic silver is entirely non-toxic to the body.
Jeffrey Blumer, M.D., Ph.D., Director of the Center for Drug Research and former Director of the Greater Cleveland Poison Control Center:
Common substances like table salt and aspirin are harmless with normal use, but excessive intake can become toxic and even life-threatening. With normal responsible usage, silver supplements are entirely harmless to humans.
Byron Richards, CCN (Certified Clinical Nutritionist), International Association of Clinical Nutritionists:
…the antibiotic properties of silver are quite potent – and the risk to human health in terms of toxicity is negligible. [Silver has] a far better risk/benefit profile than commonly used antibiotics.
Ron Leavitt, Ph.D., Professor of Microbiology, Brigham Young University:
The data suggests that with the low toxicity associated with colloidal silver, in general, and the broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity of this colloidal silver preparation, this preparation may be effectively used as an alternative to antibiotics.
For more information about colloidal silver, check out TheSilverEdge.com.